10 Wonderful Benefit of Consuming Neem Leaves Empty Stomach Daily

Neem leaves or Indian Lilac are known to have many beneficial compounds that have antifungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. It also improves liver function, detoxifies the blood and promotes a healthy respiratory and digestive system. Neem leaves enhance biological functions by strengthening the immune system.


Health benefits of chewing neem leaves daily on an empty stomach
  1. When you consume neem leaves daily, it is going to help in improving the skin texture and reducing pores thus will help in the prevention of blackheads. It also reduces signs of premature aging.

  1. Eating neem leaves relieve the symptoms associated with viral infections including common cold, herpes, influenza and chickenpox.

  1. Consuming neem leaves daily, is going to help you in getting a relief from itchy and red skin. A lot of skin issues like acne and pimples can be easily and naturally cured with it.

  1. Neem is known to have blood sugar lowering (hypoglycemic effects) effects on the body. Therefore people suffering from diabetes can control their extremely high sugar levels using neem leaves. It also reduces high blood pressure or hypertension significantly.

  1. The easiest natural way to keep your scalp clean, nourished and healthy is by chewing neem leaves. You can replace your shampoo with neem paste as it protects the scalp from oxidative stress.

  1. When you chew the leaves the juice that comes out can help in prevention of a number of dental issues like cavities, gingivitis, dental plaque and tooth decay. As it is rich in oxidants it makes your teeth shiny.

  1. Neem leaves every day on an empty stomach acts as a blood purifier and is well known for cleansing the blood thereby the body from the inside. It enhances blood circulation in the body.

  1. Neem’s anti-inflammatory and pain- reducing properties it gives relief from joint and muscle pains. It also reduces any kind of swelling.

  1. If you are suffering from conjunctivitis and irritation in the eyes, then boil some fresh neem leaves in pure water and then let it cool completely. Now, use this water as an eyewash. Chewing fresh leaves also improves vision.

  1. There is a protein present in neem leaves called Leaf Glycoprotein that aids in cancer treatment by modulating the immune cells.

Note: If you are on medication or are pregnant or breastfeeding do not use any home remedies, health tips or fitness products discussed within this website, except on the advice of your doctor, or other qualified healthcare professional.