Sweet Lime (Mosambi Fruit) is a good source of vitamin C and potassium and also contains some fiber, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. It offers medicinal benefits and has a coolant effect on the body. Experts say that sweet lime is the next best fruit after lemon for those on a weight loss plan. Not just this, mosambi or sweet lime has some amazing benefits for your skin and hair too. You must make it a part of your diet to enjoy its benefits. Have a look at mosambi juice benefits and you’ll know why you need to drink up!


Overall health benefits of consuming sweet lemon mosambi juice everyday

  1. Mosambi juice promotes healthy hair, prevents dandruff, hair fall, split ends and gives you that shine you’ve always wanted.

  1. Mosambi juice has great anti-ageing properties and helps reduce wrinkling of the skin." It promotes the development of healthy collagen, provides firmness and prevents sagging.

  1. It is helpful in treating dry skin, improving skin tone and glow. The mild bleaching agent in sweet lime is effective in clearing out pigmentation, acne, blemishes providing a radiant and glowing skin.

  1. Sweet lime has limonoids which help in fighting different types of cancer.

  1. Drinking mosambi juice regularly reduces weakness and fatigue, and in fact boosts your energy.

  1. Due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, sweet lime juice helps protect your eyes from infections and from the development of cataract.

  1. Mosambi juice helps in the treatment of jaundice and this is why the doctors prescribe this juice. Anyone suffering from jaundice can consume it to treat fever, nausea and vomiting. Being a light drink, the Sweet Lime juice can boost the functioning of the liver and improve digestion.

  1. The vitamin C in sweet lime not only protects one against colds and coughs but also increases the body’s fat burning capacity. People with adequate vitamin C oxidase 30 percent faster during workouts than those with a low level.

  1. According to many studies, mosambi juice prevents osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and promotes healthy bones. It also reduces muscle cramps and hydrates the body after a rigorous workout.

  1. Sweet lime acts as a perfect detoxifying agent by flushing out toxins. It has flavonoids which help in improving digestion. Drinking mosambi juice helps in keeping any digestion problems at bay like an irregular bowel movement, indigestion, and gastric issues among others.